Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ways to Prevent infection of Covid-19 ( Coronavirus)


Most of the people have been in a panic state since the Coronavirus has infected a lot of people globally. Even though China's situation is getting better as the new number of infections are comparatively less than before but it has started to spread outside China. South Korea with the rapidly increasing numbers of infected individuals has been in high risk these days. Not only in South Korea, but a lot of people have been victimized in Japan, Iran, Italy, USA and many other countries. People losing life outside of mainland China has also elevated. In this situation, everyone needs to apply some preventive measures to be safe. 

1. Using proper mask in the right way

The first crucial thing we all need to do before going somewhere is putting masks. The cotton mask will not work for this. We need to use medical masks and also ensure that our mouth and nose is completely covered.

2. Washing our hands 

 The second common measure is washing our hands especially when we touch any things outside, before eating, after going bathroom and coming from outside.

3. Cleaning home and disinfecting 

Our homes should be always kept cleaned and also we have to work on disinfecting all those surfaces we touch frequently.

4.Reducing outings and insignificant travels

All of us are fond of travelling but during the outbreak, we should cancel travel if it is not necessary. In case of an urgent situation, we need to be more careful.

5. Avoiding close contact with sick people

If someone is sick, we must avoid close contact. Risk of the transmission is maximum when the patient is having the symptoms of Covid-19.

6. Do not touch your face with hands 

We should not touch any part of the face with hands. If the virus is in our hands and we touch our mouth, nose or eye, it can easily go inside.

7. Eating food that boosts our immunity

We should eat healthy food that will boost our immunity power. People with low immunity power have a high risk of being infected. So, we should include healthy food in our diet.

Let's share this to all loved ones and help them also to prevent the infection. Stay connected to my blogs for informative articles like this.

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