Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to prevent COVID-19 at the workplace?


Image result for images of coronavirus

    In today's scenario, the novel coronavirus, now known as Covid- 19 has continued to spread in a skyrocketing trend. Till today(Mar-6) it has infected a large number of people in more than 70 countries. In order to tackle this disastrous outbreak government all around the globe are blending wisdom and sharing ideas together. Mainland China is taking every sort of possible actions to cope with the major outbreak of the century with the proper acknowledgement of the every minute sections of society, together with business and employers, must play a crucial role to protect the decisive victory against the demon virus outbreak.
Chinese Government has put forward a couple of practical tips to ease clean workplace and prohibit the spread of the infectious coronavirus. The overall list of dos and don't is getting more every day.

Q. Is wearing a mask compulsion?

  Well, the answer is yes. As the coronavirus will spread through inhaling of the droplets, wearing the mask is the most appropriate way to protect ourself from the transmission wherever we go. Disease control experts suggest the employees put a mask throughout the working day. But if there is no one near you, putting mask is not compulsory.

Q.What should the employers do to prevent the infection?

The most important point is by making the health files of the employees. The respective office can track the employees travel records and present health condition which can be a clue to detect the suspected ones and quarantine them. Not only this much, but every employer should also be concerned about maintaining some distance with their colleagues. Apart from this, employers also should involve in sterilizing the workplace every day and managing proper ventilation. Employers must provide sanitizer and mask to all employees in the working area.

Q.How should a staff meeting be held?

Firstly, the meeting room should be well ventilated; Secondly, disinfect every surface of the desk, doorknob and even the floor before organizing the meeting and after the meeting is over. Next is that the duration of the meeting should be as short as possible. 
Moreover, an online discussion can be a smart way.

Q. If any staff is infected, what to do? Is it necessary to shutdown?

 The main focus should be given to find out the close contact, put them in quarantine and also look for medical help if there is any problem. If the infection has not been found out in the early stage and already spread to others, then the institution or company should undergo some disease control measures. But if the case is discovered on early-stage, the shutdown is not necessary. 

Q. Should the centre air conditioning be turned off?

Obviously, we need to shut down the AC of the workplace. Moreover, the whole working area should be properly disinfected.

Q. How to handle the fear of employees over infection?

The employees must be informed about all the facts related to the virus. They must be encouraged to take good care of themselves during the outbreak. The company can also hire professional psychological specialists to aware and motivate the workers if needed.

1 comment:

  1. Unlike large enterprises, you don’t always have an expert or committee to take care of every situation. With this in mind, we developed an employer’s guide to provide tools and resources for small and medium organisations so you can focus on stabilising your business during the crisis:
